hello, i'm

Djamel Korei

I build things
for the web

A software engineer with expertise in creating outstanding digital experiences, and hands-on experience in a wide range of programming languages, databases, and software architecture.

  • java
  • spring framework
  • php
  • laravel
  • js
  • react
  • angular
  • sass
  • figma
  • docker

About me

As a seasoned full-stack developer with over 5 years of hands-on experience, I bring a wealth of expertise to every project I undertake. Holding a master's degree in Computer Science, I possess a solid foundation in both theoretical concepts and practical application within the field. My proficiency spans across a diverse range of technologies.

In my professional journey, I have adeptly streamline development processes and deliver robust solutions that meet and exceed client expectations. My passion for innovation drives me to stay abreast of the latest industry trends and best practices, ensuring that I deliver cutting-edge solutions that propel businesses forward.

With a commitment to excellence and a knack for problem-solving, I thrive in dynamic environments where I can leverage my technical prowess to tackle complex challenges and drive impactful outcomes. Whether it's building scalable web applications, optimizing system performance, or crafting intuitive user interfaces, I am dedicated to delivering high-quality solutions that drive success.


  • java core
  • java ee
  • java stream api
  • junit
  • apache maven
  • gradle


  • node.js
  • express.js
  • angular
  • react
  • next.js
  • vue.js
  • typescript
  • jest
  • cypress


  • php core
  • php unit
  • laravel framework
  • composer

spring framework

  • spring core
  • spring mvc
  • spring data
  • spring data jpa
  • spring security
  • spring cloud
  • spring test


  • oracle DB
  • postgresql
  • mysql
  • mongodb


  • Agile
  • UML
  • TDD


  • Micro-services
  • 3-Tiers
  • MVC


Abdelhamid Mehri Constantine 2 University

Master's degree - Computer science

Sep 2013 - Jul 2018

The Master's program is designed to equip us with a profound knowledge of information systems. It fosters our capabilities to excel as engineers proficient in :

  • Designing, managing information systems
  • Leading projects within organizations
  • Offers us the chance to engage in research activities within the university


  • ReviewSolicitors
  • NoubaTravelServices
  • Audaxis

Senior Software Developer - @ReviewSolicitors

Mar 2022 - Present

spring bootspring data jpareactpostgresqlnodejsnext.js
  • Enhancing the CRM system by transitioning it from Spring Boot Data JDBC to Spring Boot with JPA. This strategic move allowed us to leverage the robust features of JPA for better relational data management. The migration resulted in improved scalability, simplified data access, and increased flexibility in handling complex database operations. The outcome was a more efficient and maintainable system, ready to meet business needs with ease
  • Integration of the billing module ensures precise billing lines, while also facilitating diligent monitoring, thus upholding financial integrity and revenue optimization.
  • Implementation of a call marking system, streamlining call review processes for managers, fostering feedback collection, and supporting self-improvement initiatives.
  • Integrating other review systems platform ( trsutpilot, review.io, feefo, theestas ), enriches our platform's functionality, credibility, and appeal to both businesses and clients
  • Integrate multi-language support for the review system questionnaire form
  • Enhance the notification system with WebSockets to improve reactivity and interactivity.
  • Integrate a scheduling automation module




A web app for taking notes and making plans for your project and storing them all in one place.

Project Car Insurance

Project Car Insurance

A website that focused on providing hassle-free, affordable auto insurance that meets state requirements.

Project Task Management

Project Task Management

A web application designed for team task management and tracking, featuring two distinct roles: administrator and user.

Project Wadifni

Project Wadifni

Job matching platform that connects job seekers with their dream jobs and assists employers in finding the right talent for their businesses."

Contact Me

Get In Touch

I am available to contribute for projects and open to any ideas of cooperation . However, if you have other requests or questions, don’t hesitate to contact me using the below form either.

2024 Djamel KoreiBuilt with Next.js & TailwindDeployed with Cloudflare pages